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Katie Paterson - Manager


I began my Childcare journey almost 35 years ago working in Strathclyde Education Department pre five units across Glasgow. I initially came into this line of work as the hours suited my family /children's school schedule and commitments Very quickly I realised my passion for this work, I enjoyed delivering activities that were fun and the children enjoyed  but these assisted them in their their life long learning journey. I knew this was where my heart lay!! and I decided to pursue this as my chosen career path.


Although working with pre-5's was both challenging and rewarding, I wanted to experience other areas and in 1990 I was seconded into another section of the Education Department. I was now working within a community setting. I was involved from the conception in the setting up and development of the first Mobile Creche in Glasgow (first one within a Local Authority Education Department in Scotland). In this post I was responsible for a large team of both permanent and sessional childcare staff. My focus moved from  working directly with the children to also becoming more involved with parent groups, local community groups and local councillors. In 1994 I began working with  a group of parents in Govan area. I helped the group to develop and supported them in their quest to have a safe place where their children could play. Initially these parents wanted a small play park and through hard work, commitment and the assistance of other organisations, in 1998 a £1 million purpose built Play Arts and Life Skills (PALS) was opened. In 2000 I was seconded from Glasgow Education Department, into the role of Manger within this centre. In my time there I  grew/developed the service by merging with another local organisation GEYA (Govan Ecumenical Youth Association) the service now provided a Family/ Children's centre, 3 satellite Young Peoples centres, a 20 place nursery and a 48 place afterschool. I continued to Manage this service until 2006 when my secondment ended. 


In 2007 I left Glasgow Education and began working as Children and families Development Officer for Rutherglen Baptist Community Church. My role was to develop/deliver services for the families in the community. Initially I started a Parent & Toddler group and I had some other Church/faith based groups too. There was an Afterschool Club () using our premises but this was a private run business and had no affiliation to the Church.  


In 2009 Rutherglen After School service decided to relocate from the church premises to Spittal Primary School. This left many parents in the community without local childcare. RBCC decided that I should initially investigate the possibility of operating/running  an Out of School Care. In June 2009 I began this process and on 9th September 2009 we received our Care Inspectorate Registration and ARK( All Rutherglen Kids) opened its door to our children and families on 19th October 2009. And as they say 'the rest is history'.


I have seen lots of changes take place in my profession as both a Childcare Practitioner & Manager and I am grateful that everyday I come to work looking forward to working with the children & families and what my day will bring. I only hope that in some small way I can make a difference in the life of the children and families I have worked with in the past, those who I now work alongside and the ones I will hopefully work with in the future. I still Love and have a huge passion for my work and I am proud to be a part of the childcare  profession .



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Call Us: 0141-569 1060 /0141 237 1740 / /  72 Greenhill Road, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73 2SS

Please note: Site still under construction and we would appreciate your suggestions regarding content & information you would like included. If you have any suggestions/ideas or expertise you can offer, plaese speak with Katie Paterson

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